Complete pest package
We will treat any sized home for |
$280 |

Treating your home, inside and out for: Cockroaches, Ants, Spiders, Silverfish.

Full 12-month service warranty, even on ants and spiders

Professional Pest Control Services Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast
We put this package together almost 20 years ago and it has proven to be incredibly popular.
There are over 800 pest businesses in Brisbane alone and this leads to a huge array of pricing, warranties and of course, service levels. Having been consumers ourselves prior to starting Hitman we found it extremely difficult to compare the services offered by different companies. Prices are based on the size of the premises and which pests you need treated. Warranties are as varied as the number of businesses providing pest control services.
OUR COMPLETE PACKAGE makes it easy! Any Size house $280!
We treat inside and outside for cockroaches, silverfish, ants and spiders. We do inside the ceiling and any garages, sheds, bar-b-que areas or cubby houses you have on your property.
Full 12 month service warranty on each of these pests. This includes ants and spiders inside and outside your home which is unheard of in the industry. We can’t guarantee that you won’t see pests in this time but if you have a reinfestation of any of these pests then we guarantee to fix it free of charge for you.
A Free Visual Termite Check is done every year with this package. This means that if you don’t have termites you can stop worrying. If you do have termites then our termite specialists can go through the necessary termite treatment with you
Client Loyalty Reward
We really appreciate your loyalty. We have had clients stay with us for over 20 years and are paying the same price as what they were paying 20 years ago. In some cases as little as $130 for the same treatment that today costs $280.
As long as you book within 2 weeks of your due date, we will keep the price the same for you year after year.
OUR COMPLETE PEST PACKAGE – Additional treatments
Rats and Mice $77
90% of our clients have a rodent treatment each year. Rats and mice reach plague proportions in South -East Queensland year in, year out.
They do an enormous amount of damage chewing through electrical wiring in houses as well as cars and of course, spread disease. Treated as part of the Complete Package it will cost you only $77 with a full 12 month service warranty. A rodent treatment done separately is $200.
Fleas $77
Fleas can be a big problem, especially, in the warmer months. However, if we include it in the Complete Pest Package then it will only cost you an extra $77 to have your full house treated internally plus an external perimeter with a full 12 month service warranty. A flea treatment done separately is $280.
Free Termite Check
Hitman includes a free annual termite check as a part of Our Complete Package. We do this because it’s imperative that you have your home checked at least once every 12 months. Termites cause a lot of damage in a short period of time.
Although pests can be extremely irritating termites are deadly to your home. About 18 years ago we decided to include this free check as part of our annual pest service and is a big reason for why our clients use us every year.
The technicians will thoroughly check your home for live termites and termite damage which is evidence of past activity. They will also advise you on how to make your home less attractive to termites so that the chances of a termite infestation are minimised. All Termite work and checks are done by Hitman Termites Pty Ltd (BSA 1129193) or a BSA licensed Hitman pest technician.
Termite Treatment
A lot of people believe it’s all about the type of chemical used or the type of monitor. At Hitman we’re all about the expertise. Anyone can put down chemicals or place monitors but what you’re paying for is our understanding of termite activity, our knowledge of how the treatments work and the ability to manage the prevention of termites in your home over the long haul. We offer continuous management of your property rather than a one-off band-aid approach
20 years ago we did mainly termite barriers which are now called treated zones. We moved away from these 15 years ago because
- We don’t believe in saturating your home in chemicals;
- The effectiveness is hit and miss as the zone can be disrupted as easily as a dog digging in the garden;
- It is a very intrusive method of treatment.
Termite Monitoring Programme
We now use a monitoring program that we have improved continuously over the past 18 years. The Hitman approach of inspecting your home anywhere between 5 and 10 times in the first year ensures the absolute success of the program. This approach is unheard of in our industry and yet we have been doing this for 15 years. After the first 12 months you have the option to continue the Hitman’s ongoing management of your home at an affordable cost.
It is impossible to eradicate termites . It’s a matter of effective management and that only comes with constant monitoring. All Termite work and checks are done by Hitman Termites Pty Ltd (BSA 1129193) or a BSA licensed Hitman pest technician.